For quite a few years since the Rio-Summit, 1992 there have been discussions at various local forum about the requirement of a capable institution to take care of the rich biodiversity of Manipur and its surrounding areas. The inclusion of the North East Region in the list of Mega-biodiversity hotspots of the world caused an ever increased fillip to the researchers, resource planners, environmental enthusiasts and the local think- tanks about stopping depletion of biodiversity in the region and finding scientific ways of sustainable uses of bioresources.
Bio-industrialists and traders exploit the ignorance and poverty of the tribal population in hunting and illegal trading of the wild flora and fauna of the region. The situation is bad enough to warn us that before we can fully understand, assess and plan a sustainable use of the Bioresources in the North Eastern Region, its habitat exposed to the world as a mega-biodiversity hot-spot is likely to be destroyed in no time.
The concern of the local scientists and the government about safeguarding our precious wealth, the biodiversity is therefore not unfounded. In fact, this prompted the Govt. of India to establish the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development at Imphal for research and management of Bioresources of the region. |
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